Handball Photography
Handball is one of my favorite hobbies. When I get the chance I also like to photograph the action. Eventually I will try to put up many of the images I have taken in the past (but it will take awhile since many of them are on film and will have to be scanned.) I do want to get a few photos up, though. I just finished photographing the action at the Watsonville 3-Wall Tournament. I am not able to upload all of the images now, but I am putting up some of the best ones. You will be able to view them several different ways. They were all shot as stereo (3D) photographs, but I am also giving the option of viewing them as regular (2D) photographs. Click on the type of viewing you want to do.
Watsonville 3-Wall Tournament (August 2011)
Regular Photographs (2D)
Stereo Photographs (3D)
Parallel images (you will need a special viewer - see "instructions")
Cross-eyed images (read "instructions" if you would like to try this)
Anaglyphs (this uses red/cyan glasses)
Watsonville 3-Wall Tournament (August 2011)
Regular Photographs (2D)
Stereo Photographs (3D)
Parallel images (you will need a special viewer - see "instructions")
Cross-eyed images (read "instructions" if you would like to try this)
Anaglyphs (this uses red/cyan glasses)